Dear John,
If your mother was being paid as little as $5 for sexual favors, would that be okay?
If your daughter was being given money for sex knowing she was going to buy drugs and she did so and died, would you forgive the man who gave her the money?
And what would your mother and daughter think of you, if it became known that while although you are married with a job, good reputation and have a family that you pay money to have sex with homeless drug addicts instead of being with your wife/mom?
How would your wife feel, as a woman, knowing you would rather spend money to risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease or infection than to be with her?
And what if the tables were turned and your wife gave you gonorrhea or HIV - would you understand how repeatedly having unprotected sex with strangers didn’t mean anything to her?
And what if men were visiting your community for the sole purpose of giving money to people whom they know are going to spend the money on drugs, would that be okay?
And would you allow our mother, daughter, sister or aunt continue in the activity of street level prostitution if you knew that sex with a drug addict is an act of non forcible rape? Learn more
If men did not give money to drug addicts to have sex with them then drug addicts would not use as much illegal drugs. This opens the door intervention methods to be more effective. Learn more.
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