Know - and may Allaah continue to guide us upon the straight way and open the doors to forgiveness and remission of sins by allowing us to do what earns the pleasure of Allaah - that Islaam came to protect life, property, wealth and intellect. And we have been commanded to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And the one whom Allaah has given courage grounded in knowledge to obey this command then perhaps he is the one who is described in Al Qur’aan 4:75: And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, "Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?"
It is a favor from Allaah that a Muslim has come with a short, brief statement that can help millions who suffer from drug addiction get relief. By simply broadcasting the message “sex with an addict is rape” we can reach the ears of those men who meet with women who are in the streets to encourage them to cease committing this kind of zinaa. The word-of-mouth approach covers these men's faults, protecting their jobs, reputations, and families from being destroyed if their behavior were exposed. The word-of-mouth approach is our “Dear John” page.
When these men stop, they no longer waste their wealth on prostitution, and this leads to preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and infections; children of zinaa; and haraam connected to zinaa.
The women use drugs less, and the drug dealer gets less money. Eventually, street drugs will not be readily available in the area where CFS BlackBook operates. When this happens, substance abuse interventionists can intervene and transport willing addicts to drug rehabilitation centers when an addict is not sakaaraa (intoxicated) and therefore, rebellious and resistant to treatment.
It is a favor from Allaah that this concise speech has the effect of taking drugs away from drug dealers without use of force, threats, or violence. The reduction of drugs means crime reduction. Wal hamdu lillaah, the statement “sex with an addict is rape” is a statement that can help protect life, property wealth, and intellect.
All gratitude is due to Allaah who by his might and mercy all good deeds are completed. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
This country has spent more than one trillion dollars in the so-called war against drugs since 1971. Even though the federal government is spending more money on drug enforcement than ever, drug use in the U.S. is still climbing. The Muslim community can encourage the non-Muslim world to respect the rights of women no matter what their perceived status may be. It is due to the low status of women in America that they have been subject to this kind of abuse for so long
By following the example of the Messenger of Allaah - sallallaahu alayhi was sallam - and coming with concise speech that warns people against the consequences of zinaa, we obey the command of Allaah to rise up and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. Da’wah is in the fact that the Muslim community is showing the non-Muslim community what can happen to a society that does not protect its women.
CFS travels the country trying to get this message aired on live television. Whatever you help with it will be used to travel, lodging and food. CFS has been through 23 states since 2016. You can help us electronically via Venmo or Chime (for Chime, you do not have to be a member of Chime to send help).