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I am a homeless drug addict who receives SSi monthly benefits (tax dollars) that I spend on crack cocaine, prostitutes, alcohol and fast food. For example, I live in Skid Row Los Angeles, with about 16,000 other drug addicts like me and we all get about $1,000 a month tax dollars. Taxpayers see us spend their hard-earned money on drugs and then, have to deal with the homeless problems that we bring to every area we frequent. We are a nuisance and we know it and this is how we get money from people every day who give it to us to drive us away - only takes five dollars to die - but that's beside the point I'm trying to make.

Since 1971 the country has spent more than 1 trillion dollars on the so-called war on drugs. The prison population increased from 190,000 to more than 2.3 million in that time. And white people are now 56% of the prison population. So its like the war on drugs just put a lot of white people in prison too because drugs are how they all got there - but that's beside the point I'm trying to make.

We crack heads, heroin addicts and diseased/infected male and female prostitutes spend 16 million a month out of a ten-block radius (Skid Row) or 100 million a year tax dollars or in ten years - one billion - we not gonna go the whole more than 50 years Skid Row been here but what I'm saying is this area and many others are sustained by tax dollars, which causes problems that are taken care of by tax dollars (homelessness drug addiction, crime, etc.) but that's beside the point I'm trying to make.

If the treasury department issued us no cash access cards that limited us to just $50 over the counter with no carry over it would help a lot of us get off of drugs. The way to solve addiction is to make it difficult for us to use ... duh... not give us money and a safe place to do it and then complain about the problems we bring to your doorstep - but that's not the point I'm trying to make

Yeah so when these politicians talk about revitalizing the economy and all that and budget cuts and moving money around and threatening to take money from seniors because face it, we drug addicts are causing the most problems and forcing this government to spend your money to clean up our disobedience when all you gotta do is cut the funding to our disobedience and Bam! that's 16 million a month going back into the local economy or $100 million a year - responsible spending of tax dollars...and that's just a ten-block radius. Imagine the whole country. but that's not the point I'm trying to make

And then we get to see which of these public officials gets pissed off at the suggestion of diverting cartel money back into US economy. 

Thats the point I'm trying to make

Now this wont end drug addiction - lets face it, the government wants us on suboxone and methadone - let health care get paid instead of street n*ggers with their heroin and what not (I'm black, btw)  but all that money that people are looking for is suddenly there and it didn't cost a trillion dollars, and did not increase the prison population or increase crime and no one died from an overdose while law enforcement were "investigating" a drug dealer watching him sell drugs and you take away the reasons these young guys want a reputation. 

You can change everything with just a news story to get the public talking. especially how this society owes women an apology for ignoring them and leaving them to be abused and taken advantage of by men who prey on vulnerable and defenseless women. Society called her a drug addict and dismissed her behavior as a consequence of her own decisions. but the reality is it doesn't matter how she became intoxicated, fact of intoxication makes it a crime to touch her sexually. consequently, women are being raped daily - women who suffer the same PTSD symptoms as known victims of violent sexual assault - but you see them as crack whores. in reality, they are the untreated victims of sexual assault who you see screaming and exhibiting paranoid behavior in the streets around areas of mass transit.

These issues are weapons to fight against drugs, prostitution, and by extension human trafficking and a means of purifying the ranks of public officials who will expose themselves when the money is removed from the playing field. I told someone they would not like my response for pissing me off. 

First one gets the Pulitzer 

Thank you for listening