Sex With an Addict is Rape

Under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), the complex and challenging disease of addiction is recognized as a disability because it constitutes an impairment that significantly limits one or more major life activities, such as the ability to work, interact socially, or maintain personal relationships. This recognition is supported by legal frameworks including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which aim to ensure that individuals struggling with addiction receive the necessary support and protection.


A person that engages in sexual intercourse with another who had voluntarily consumed alcohol to the point of inebriation, would indeed face serious sex related criminal charges. However, if a man decides to pay to have sexual relations with an intoxicated addict, or an individual who is clearly acting under the influence of illegal drugs (for example, participating in prostitution), it is often socially explained away by the notion that, while prostitution may indeed be illegal in certain states, the interaction is nonetheless perceived as consensual between both parties involved. But for deeply ingrained negative connotations, street level sex workers would also be considered as victims of sex crimes, and deserving of the same level of empathy and appropriate treatment as other victims of aggravated sexual assault.

Street level prostitution in the US is identified by a specific price range for sexual favors, which typically falls between $5 and $40, representing the daily national average. This particular price bracket frequently indicates that the sex worker is struggling with drug addiction. Consequently, because an addict meets the ADA definition of mental disability or impairment they are, therefore, incapable of forming valid consent to engage in a sexual act. Therefore, street level prostitution operates as a disturbing system of rape that occurs without overt physical force, threat, or coercion.

This grim reality renders the male and female street level prostitute an unrecognized and untreated victim of aggravated sexual assault. 


Visit our About Us page which answers frequently asked questions about CFS BlackBook for more information. We hope the answers there are sufficient to help you communicate,  conversate, and promote public awareness by actively sharing this website through your social media platforms. The goal is to generate meaningful conversations about the alarming reality of how some men contribute to drug addiction, drug overdoses, and drug-induced deaths when choosing to pay money to have sex with homeless citizens that are battling addiction. By broadcasting this crucial message across the country, we will indirectly reach those men and subtly encourage them to reconsider their choices. This, in turn, will lead to a tangible reduction in the availability of street drugs, thereby positively impacting many US inner city communities.

The best that can be done to contribute to changing the face of drug addiction as it exists in this country today is to actively share this website via various social media platforms. We strongly encourage community watch groups and church congregations to take the initiative to copy and widely distribute the impactful message: “Dear John.”

Special invitation extended to members of Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many.